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When will you give me an exact delivery date?

We are working hard to get ShapeScale to you as fast as we can. We will be coming out with a new customer dashboard as soon as we have the exact delivery dates. 

There you will be able to track the progress of your, check your batch number, and make changes to your shipping or billing information. 

In the meantime, if you have any specific questions regarding your order and/or would like to change any information attached to your order, please drop us an email!

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  1. Lilla Laczo

  2. Posted
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  1. Lilla Laczo

    Staff –

    Hi everyone!

    We are really sorry about the delayed shipping.  As mentioned in the email we sent out in March, we had a delay in our production timeline due to better optimizing the product, which pushed back our delivery dates. 

    If you have a specific question regarding your order, please drop me an email to and I'd be happy to help!

    Once again, I'd like to apologize in the name of the team and also assure you that yes, we are real and yes, we are doing our best to delivery the best possible product as soon as we can!

  2. Chris Bender

    Is this a real company? Where are the scales? Where’s the dashboard?

  3. Matt Thompson

    This company hasn’t hit a single promise. Please refund me my money. 

  4. Harold Pittenger

    When will the customer dashboard go live so we can track our pre-orders?

  5. modeee

    where is the promised customer dashboard, it is already 4 months overdue

  6. John Keller

    And continuing the thread..... anything to update us on?    It's been radio silence for many months now

  7. John Barker

    Ditto the previous 2 comments

  8. Melanie Frank

    Just following up with the last comment - any updates on the customer dashboard? Thanks! 

  9. Bob McCurrach


    Any updates on the new customer dashboard?
