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When will you give me an exact delivery date?

We are working hard to get ShapeScale to you as fast as we can. We will be coming out with a new customer dashboard as soon as we have the exact delivery dates. 

There you will be able to track the progress of your, check your batch number, and make changes to your shipping or billing information. 

In the meantime, if you have any specific questions regarding your order and/or would like to change any information attached to your order, please drop us an email!

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  1. Lilla Laczo

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  1. FredSherman

    I've waited 4 years.  I've waited several months for an update as promised.   I've reached the end of my patience and will be requesting a refund. Had they only communicated and shown progress, I would probably wait it out.

  2. FredSherman

    We're overdue for another update. It was supposed to come in January. It's almost April.  It has been YEARS for some of us. I don't think this is ever going to happen.

  3. Nick DeBarmore

    So, I'm no fan of waiting either. But, you guys do all realize this is not a simple thing?  If it were and it were easy, then we'd have other options. Have you seen any other options out there?  I haven't.  I could also be wrong, but I seem to recall they offered to refund anyone that wanted to cancel their order.  But most of you are like me and you don't want to miss out on a great thing.  If this thing does what it is supposed to do, it will be so awesome.

  4. FredSherman

    KITAS, I'm in


    So the website says ships in 2020.  Has anybody received notice of any being shipped?

  6. KITAS

    Hey everyone below me ... I just keep reading all this comments below and it seems like we do all have the same issue here. Very unreliable, lots of empty promises, many excuses, etc.

    I gave myself a time-limit - delivery by the end of 2020 or they will get  such a shit storm  that they have to shut down this circus.  

    How about we go try it by class action? I guess Martin from Switzerland, being used  to reliability and exact follow up on promises would notice us this time.

    Anyone likes to join?

  7. FredSherman

    We are several months late on our 2-month update. Seems like we're all owed an explanation about where this product is, COVID impact, are you even still a viable company?

    Facebook authentication is blocked, so that's not a good sign. It used to work.


    FredSherman [and ANYONE else reading this]... I received that same '2 month promise' for updates as well, and it did NOT happen. At this point it's just a pacification move on ShapeScales part to buy even more time. In fact it has been since late 2017 [almost 4 years!!!] since Shape started delivering empty promises to their customers. In fact, empty promises is ALL that Shape has successfully delivered to their customers. Missed delivery dates one yearly quarter after another. Every supposed set back on their end would add another 3-6 months of waiting time for anyone who pre-purchased. Going with that, NOW think about this... all those empty promises were during 'good economic times'! What do you think is going to happen now with COVID-19 impacting China manufacturing contracts, which is where the majority of the ShapeScale is manufactured and shipped. Also, on top of that the world stock markets are crashing at this current date & moment and many, many, MMMMANY start-up companies have insane risk of going bankrupt. Especially start-ups like ShapeScale that directly deal with China and rely on their investors to keep them afloat. The world economies and stock markets are crashing people!!! When that happens start-up companies [ShapeScale] CUT THEIR LOSSES AND RUUUUN, and that's with your cash included. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  9. FredSherman

    Back in December, we were promised an update every 2 months. Feburary passed, no update. Same for March. Now we're in April and still no update. I'm losing patience.

  10. Jeffrey Castor

    I asked the other 3D body scanner device why it was on back order and was told it was due to the lack of the CPU units. You can get your 3D body done at places that have those units that cost over $10K and it only cost you a small amount and you get results immediately. Stop waiting and I am so glad i did not jump on board a couple years ago. I doubt this will ever make it to market.