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When will you give me an exact delivery date?

We are working hard to get ShapeScale to you as fast as we can. We will be coming out with a new customer dashboard as soon as we have the exact delivery dates. 

There you will be able to track the progress of your, check your batch number, and make changes to your shipping or billing information. 

In the meantime, if you have any specific questions regarding your order and/or would like to change any information attached to your order, please drop us an email!

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  1. Lilla Laczo

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  1. joe cruz

    on top of all this , will they keep the original price they told us for the shape scale ?

  2. joe cruz

    over 5 years since i ordered , when will it be shipped out , i see supposedly a batch went out 

  3. eclipsegym

    I dont understand why you cant give delivery dates seeing as you gave us expected dates in 2018, 2019,2020,2021,2022 and now in 2023. It’s a joke not keeping customers informed. Smells bad and feel like I have wasted my money and faith. 


    This is terrible. How is this even possible to get away with? 

  5. FredSherman

    We need an update again. Is this a real product or a marketing scam? You don’t have COVID to blame for delays anymore.

  6. Nelson Cottier

    I agree, I am hoping for an update.  Can't believe 5 years have passed since I placed my original order. Thanks in advance for any details.  -Nelson

  7. FredSherman

    We deserve an update as we head into 2023.

  8. Brett Robinson

    I jumped on this in the early days. Maybe 2017 or 2018. It was so long ago I can’t even remember. I eventually gave up on waiting and asked for a refund in 2018/2019 and I did receive the refund I’m relieved to say.

    I've been checking back in every few months because I do remain curious about if this will ever come to market, although I'm convinced it won't.

    I've gotten to the point where this is what I think has happened... I don't know how many people pre-ordered a shapescale but it wouldn't surprise me if it was 100,000+. At $500 a pop that is $50,000,000.

    Think about that, $50M!!! You could invest that money and from the interest income alone make $2.5M a year. Take that $2.5M and pay absurd "salaries" to 1, 2, or 3 people who help to keep the con going. What would you do if you had the opportunity to pay yourself $500,000 to $1,000,000 a year with no accountability to deliver anything or do anything? Sounds a bit like winning the lottery doesn't it?

    Nothing in my post is based on fact. Just speculative. Would be nice if there were some updates or communications from shapescale so that these types of thoughts didn't go through our minds. I'll end just by saying I'm glad I got my money back when I did.

  9. Hassan Rasheid

    October 2021 and still nothing but empty Promises. Well over 4 years with nothing. They did not even HIRE someone to design this thing until 2019. They did not even try to manufacture it until 2020. This should have been a class action long ago. I did not donate to a gofundme or someone's dream. I paid for a product that has repeatedly lied. The worse part isn't even the lies or the delays it is the lack of response and the lack of communication. The founders and directors of this company should be producing video's apologizing and explaining the delays and giving proper timelines based on real info. Deadlines for updates have come and gone with no updates. I wonder where has the seed money and money from early buyers gone, I am sure the founders are living good.  The bottom line produce a product by the end of 2021 and ship it or prepare for a class action. 


    I'll be curious to see if they honor your refund request. I've seen others comment about inability to get a response.