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When will you give me an exact delivery date?

We are working hard to get ShapeScale to you as fast as we can. We will be coming out with a new customer dashboard as soon as we have the exact delivery dates. 

There you will be able to track the progress of your, check your batch number, and make changes to your shipping or billing information. 

In the meantime, if you have any specific questions regarding your order and/or would like to change any information attached to your order, please drop us an email!

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  1. Lilla Laczo

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  1. Dorena Rode

    I purchased in November 2017.  I don't think this is a scam because I was interviewed by ShapeScale early 2019 to participate in further testing of the scale before launch in the fall.  Yes, they are understaffed, but then again the scale is WAY UNDERPRICED.  This scale is a fraction of the cost of the next viable option.   Fit 3D scanners are over $10,000 and I see a new player on the market (out of stock) at $1400.  I'll take a risk with my money to support these people in getting a less expensive, higher quality model out to market.  My deal, with lifetime subscription for people that ordered back in 2017, can't be beat.  They raised the price since then, but still underpriced.  I'm holding tight.  If you want your money back simply email them.  They always say they will refund.  And yes, if we all ask for our money back they will fail.  So, I encourage everyone to hold tight and give our friends the extra time they need to make this right.  Yes, I wish they were more proactive with updates, but maybe they priced the scale too low to pay for that type of service. 


    Go to your Attorney General with all correspondence you have received, as well as anything you have saved about previously identified shipping dates. I received a refund when I asked a year and a half or so ago, so I don’t technically have any damages. However. this is definitely an actionable situation if they aren’t refunding your money upon request. I would also speak to an attorney about a class action suit, as there are now actual damages since your money is not being returned. At some point, someone needs to force their hand to repay customers. 

  3. Jason Barlage

    Brett Robinson, I definitely agree it's very hard to take their word for it after this long with very limited updates. I hope we're wrong since it's a cool concept but until they actually deliver it's hard to trust em at this point

  4. Brett Robinson

    Unfortunately it now looks like scammers are using website which is already kind of a scam site in the sense that Shapescale have taken people’s money and I genuinely question if there is any intention of ever delivering product. 

    Limited to non existent updates. Zero apology to pre paying customers. I think the owners have a great deal... 3+ years of living off of hundreds of thousands of dollars (maybe millions?) from people who have pre paid. 

    It's hard not to be really cynical given how poor Shapescale has been with providing updates. It's been THREE YEARS. This is not a production hiccup. This is a SCAM.

  5. Brett Robinson

    That link below is not to a youtube video. Look carefully at the link. I searched for any news or updates on Shapescale and couldn't find anything - not even on Shapescales official YouTube account.

  6. Jason Barlage

  7. Jason Barlage

    They sent out an update this past week. Displayed New design with a YouTube video of it. and shipping update for summer 2020 release
  8. Matt Kurkowski

    So everyone reading this knows: I ordered on July 13, 2017 and still have nothing. They usually do get back to me when I email them for an update, but it's been the same promises for over two years. At this point, I'll just be nicely surprised when my order eventually ships. (If it ever does.)

  9. FredSherman

    Hey Xavier, its the end of 2019 and no one has received anything. How about an update? How about an honest update?


    Ive requested a refund and no one has gotten back to me.