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Tracking: Can I track my order?

Absolutely, you will receive your tracking details at the time of shipping.

We'll also launch a new customer dashboard., where you will be able to track your order, check your batch number, and make changes to shipping or billing information. 

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  1. Lilla Laczo

  2. Posted
  3. Updated


  1. Chris Taylor-Low

    Hello. I need to change my delivery address, as I am moving (3rd time since beginning this 6 years ago). 

  2. Andrew Konstantaras

    Is there any update?

  3. Xavier

    Staff –

    Hi everyone,

    As mentioned in our last customer update, we’ll start shipping the ShapeScale pre-orders at the end of 2019 in the order they had been placed.
    If you wish for further information feel free to send me an email at !

  4. Monsieur Bakir

    Same problèm..

    No News , batch#3  please need info

  5. Jerome Hendricksen

    No dashboard not updates last email I sent before tonight was  November 2018 still no update on Batch #3 Shipping in March 2019? Almost fricking April 2019

  6. Alex

     have been watching this thread for a while ... and I keep waiting before buying.

    It’s a miracle that all these very patient, generous but very frustrated customers haven’t started a class action lawsuit against the company yet. 

    The level of incompetence and indifference is astonishing. 

    This is the reason why most start up founders get pushed out by investors shortly after, because most the time they are awful business people. Just because you have a good idea (and this was a great idea), it doesn’t mean you know how to execute it or the basics of running a company.

    I hope the VCs and other invertors take action and hire a profesional CEO with a proper management team. Give the founders an “advisory” or a board seat and a few million to go enjoy themselves. It’s time for the big boys and girls to take over. 

  7. Martin Aquino

    I order this scale in 2017 I did not receive it yet  where is my order 

    can I cancel the order 

  8. Andrew M Kantor

    This is absurd. When will I get my product?


    Once again, Shape is not supplying information to their customers. Why won't you communicate to us? Tell us what is going on!

  10. Carielen Echevarria Weight Loss

    I don’t  have any information of my order