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Can my family or additional users, use one ShapeScale?

Yes,  with your basic subscription plan, ShapeScale can support up to 2 users. However, you can add extra users by paying an additional amount of $4.99/month after each person.

Note, if you’d only like to scan someone and not get their body measurements, that’s possible without adding them to your subscription plan. The number of 3D scans you can take with ShapeScale is unlimited*.

*Mechanical parts in ShapeScale will be rated for a fixed number of cycles which will limit the number of scans before you need to replace those parts.

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  1. Lilla Laczo

  2. Posted
  3. Updated


  1. John C. Kelly

    I too would like to know what "fixed number of cycles" means. Is this just some engineer reminding users that physical systems are not technically 'unlimited', but it'll be designed for, like, 10K+ cycles or something?

  2. Barry Whittingham

    But is there any way of exporting those 3d scans or does it just show us a pretty picture in the app?  The raw pointcloud data would be nice.

  3. Alonso Garcia

    I also would like to know the fixed number of cycles and the cost to replace parts.

  4. Jim Keese

    *Mechanical parts in ShapeScale will be rated for a fixed number of cycles which will limit the number of scans before you need to replace those parts.

      What is the fixed number of cycles that the ShapeScale is rated for and what is the cost to   replace those parts?