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Can I export my 3D data/scan?

We do not allow exporting of 3D data / ShapeScans™ at this time.

We have plans, however, to work with qualified and trustworthy partners to offer value-added services such as 3D printing, tailor-made clothes, 3D fitting rooms, and more. Please note that for the moment these are just mere examples and subject to later integration.

If you want to suggest a feature feel free to let us know. If you are a business interested in working with us, please fill in this short form so we’ll be able to better understand your ideas and plans and get in touch as soon as possible!

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  1. Lilla Laczo

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  1. Michael Vars

    If your company is holding back and marketing only to the fitness market you are going to be missing out on the much larger market of 3D scans.  Imagine if instead of looking at your progress you could hold a model of it.  If my Personal Trainer could show clients a pictures of progress and then let them physically hold a model... it could be a game changer.  You might as well sell it with that function and make money with a wider net.   If you don't it will get hacked and repurposed for it regardless.

  2. James Fisher

    I am yet another 3D animator/modeller who for a second thought perhaps there might be 3D mesh export feature! but alas...I see that's not the case.  My heart started beating faster as I clicked to find out, perhaps this is another included feature of the scale? To increase the heart rate and burn calories in those rascally animators who sit around sedentary at their workstations all day? 

  3. Howard Coale

    I am a 3D designer. I also led a tech startup for 8 years, so I have a sense of some of the issues ShapeScale might be encountering.

    My suggestion is this: If ShapeScale merely partnered with one of the industry's leading 3D software companies – like Pixologic (makers of ZBrush), or Autodesk (makers of Maya) – they could without much effort, or their own in-house expertise, generate a ton – and I mean a TON – of additional revenue through offering ShapeScale to 3D designers at the same price, or slightly more. The only requirement would be to allow output of scans to .obj initially, and other 3D file formats in the future. It would be impossible to over estimate the market opportunity. Since I ran a start-up I learned the principle lesson of new tech companies: do not cordon yourself off from new opportunities or new interpretations of your product: EVOLVE and be flexible to add focus if you see the opportunity. I honestly am pretty certain that the market for 3D design/designers is larger, at least initially, than the one for fitness. If first forays into that market through partnership proved successful, and I have no doubt that would be the case, software development in the future would be motivated, in part, on producing more and more precise and accurate models, which would only bolster and improve the fitness application of the technology.

    This is a MASSIVE potential market. I hope ShapeScale considers it very seriously.

  4. Charlie

    Staff –

    Hello everyone!

    We do understand that there are many applications for ShapeScale outside of the fitness market, however, this will be our primary focus. We will then begin to work with partners and we will consistently be working to develop new features to allow ShapeScale to function for other applications. 

  5. Johnne Tyson

    Again, agreed with the previous comments.  I'm an animator and this would be an amazing opportunity to have new models to work with.  3D scanned models can be expensive.  The ability to have characters immediately available and in an affordable manner could revolutionize the independent animators industry not to mention the commercial value.  

  6. Dan Shackelford

    I agree with EJ. Being able to export the scan as an obj file would be outstanding. I could then use the files in my graphics program to show the actual changes in body shape as animations.

  7. EJ LeBlanc

    What John said. First thing I thought when seeing this was, oh my, it's the first affordable and portable 3D scanner. What a deal! I know I am not your market, but I would only be interested in purchasing this if I could export the models of whatever I put on the scale, human or otherwise, as obj files.

  8. John Griffin

    What about an open / published API? I can see a massive opportunity to link the data to a fitness / food tracker to give people a comprehensive fitness tracking capability. 

    Even if the 3D data stays on your servers you could allow for some data and images to be grabbed by other apps for display. I think you are missing a huge market if people have to use only your online app to view the data.